Deming Logging Show

Ladies Auxilary

President Tammy Baisden
Vice President Johnna Larsen
Treasurer/ Sunshine Carla Pederson
Secretary Shelly DeBruin

Throughout the years the Ladies Auxiliary has assisted the men with their many endeavors including work parties and helping to prepare the grounds for the show. Every year the Ladies Auxiliary runs the Museum Kitchen, the Shirt Shack, and the Souvenir Booth during Log Show weekend. In the museum they sell strawberry shortcake and taco salads. At the Shirt Shack you can purchase your Log Show apparel.

At the souvenir booth you will find hats, suspenders, cups, and more. The
Ladies Auxiliary is also in charge of the kitchen during Oktoberfest and the
Ladies put on the New Year’s Eve dance. The Ladies Auxiliary is proud to support our community by giving scholarships to graduating seniors in Whatcom County. They have also given to local food banks, Toys for Tots, Operation Doing More, School Fundraisers and much more!